4th November 2020


We assume we can eat what we want and when we want. It has just become a part of our modern lifestyle. A few of us realise that it wasn’t always this way. Back in my grandparents day all food was dictated by the seasons. A lot of us have lost touch with seasonal foods and are disconnected with the origins of our food. But eating in season is not only good for us but brings us amazing benefits. It’s all about knowing where to look and knowing when the food is at its peak of quality. Here are four good reasons why it’s good to shop local and buy seasonal food.

  1. ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY Eating seasonally reduces the demand for out of season produce which in turn further supports more local produce and supports local farming. This means less transportation, less refrigeration and overall reduces greenhouse gasses.
  2. SUPPORT THE LOCAL COMMUNITY Knowing where your food comes from and how it’s grown connects us more with the food we eat. By supporting British and local businesses today we are ensuring that the farms and businesses will be here tomorrow.
  3. IT’S BETTER FOR US Seasonal foods are fresher so tend to be more nutritious and tastier. Some foods once picked tend to lose their nutritional value. By choosing local seasonal foods you know you’re not buying foods that have taken days or weeks to travel from different countries.
  4. SEASONAL EATING SAVES MONEY Prices are often lower; simple economics tells us that when a product is available in large quantities, the cost of the product is reduced. Supermarkets and shops are able to sell at a cheaper price and in some cases offer two for one deals.

Check out my list of seasonal foods readily available at the minute and when you’re next out at the supermarket have a look to see if you can bag a saving, support the best of British and eat with the seasons.

artichoke, beetroot, butternut squash, cauliflower, celeriac, celery, chicory, horseradish, jerusalem artichoke, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, parsnips, potatoes (maincrop), pumpkin, salsify, shallots, swede, truffles (black), truffles (white), turnips, watercress, wild mushrooms

apples, clementines, cranberries, passion fruit, pears, pomegranate, quince, satsumas almonds, brazil nuts, chestnuts, cob nuts, hazelnuts, rosemary, sage, walnuts

beef, duck, goose, grouse, guinea fowl, hare, lamb, mallard, partridge, pheasant, rabbit, turkey, venison, wood pigeon

clams, cod, coley, crab, dab, dover sole, gurnard, haddock, halibut, hake, lemon sole, lobster, mackerel, monkfish, mussels, oysters, plaice, pollack, red mullet, sea bass (wild), sea bream, skate, squid, turbot, winkles